SON Update Report
SON Update Report
December 12, 2023
Event Description:
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your generous friendship, prayers & donations/investments in our Kingdom Work over the past 24 years throughout the greater Portland / Vancouver metro area & joining us in Serving Our Neighbors! If you have not read or reviewed our most recent update on April 15th, please take a few moments to read it, so that you will understand more fully what our Father has been doing in laying a tremendous foundation for what is about to come to our cities & how it will impact our entire world for His Kingdom & Glory! YOU have made all this possible AND The Best Is Yet To Come!
In summary, over the past 7 years (since we closed down the Christian Chamber of Commerce in 2016), our Father has allowed our land to lay fallow (in a place of rest) and like a caterpillar going into its chrysalis (a protected stage of development) we have been going through a transformation process, so that we can begin an entirely new work that can soar like a butterfly on the winds of His Holy Spirit! We have been actively engaged in the Family & Faith spheres of influence and are NOW beginning to see and understand that the Backdoor to the other five spheres of influence (Business, Government, Education, Media and the Arts/Entertainment/Sports) is the Family, since the leaders in these areas (whether locally, regionally, state-wide or even nationally & globally), ALL have or a part of a Family! In fact, in the Book of Acts, our Father’s Holy Spirit declares that He moved from family to family throughout the entire Roman Empire, wherein the citizens of the City of Thessalonica stated emphatically, “These that have turned the world upside down are come here also;” (Acts 17:6) and then eventually almost every sphere of influence was transformed by our Father’s Love!
Do you know why the boy David, took five stones from a brook and decided to use one of them to kill the giant, Goliath? Because Goliath had 4 brothers and David was ready to take them ALL out! Most of our prayer efforts over the years have been focused on Revival, with the goal of getting everyone saved, so that we can all go to Heaven, but over the most recent 13 years (from 2010 till now), our Father has re-focused our hearts on His heart for the nations, since His Son commanded us to go & disciple nations, NOT to build His Church, for He said, “I will build My Church.” He also states in Matthew 24:14, “this Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to ALL nations, and then THE END will come.” We have been so focused on the Gospel of Salvation, that we don’t know how to live in the Gospel of the Kingdom (our Father’s Family) and our entire world is in ruins, fatherless and ruled by orphans, rather than by SONs. NOW, we understand that our Father’s Holy Spirit is calling us to R.I.S.E. to the Reformation of today’s Giants (the five remaining spheres of influence) and His strategy is to raise up Sons & Daughters, who are Knowing God as Father, to be who Jesus is, so that we can do what Jesus did, destroy the works of our enemy and bring His Shalom (Peace, Fullness, Completeness) to every aspect of our society & culture in every nation. But, we can’t do any of this, unless we are ONE in our marriages and living out His Kingdom Principles in our families, extended families and work-life!
Let’s highlight a few of the amazing things that our Father has done through our efforts and your amazing support:
- Starting in January of 2023, we continued collaborating with Patrice & Gina Tsague of the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community (formerly Nehemiah Project International Ministries) to help launch their new monthly eCommunity Connect Meetings & Seminars at their new World Headquarters Office at the Cornerstone Christian Academy in Battle Ground, Washington. Also, Patrice and our great friend, James Lockett (the current President of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce – USA & one of the original founders of the ICCC, with our great friend, Gunnar Olson, the former Vice President of the Europe Region for Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International) connected at the Lion’s Den (a Christian Shank Tank event) hosted by Mannahouse Church in Vancouver. For the past year, James has been working with our great friend, Ford Taylor with Transformational Leadership to launch a new US Christian Chamber of Commerce, wherein members get access the ICCC-USA’s global network of Christian Businesses and their business training, the Transformed Working Life.
- Between Apr till Nov, we traveled to Anaheim, California, one weekend per month, to learn how to produce the R3 Relationship Lifeline (a Family & Marriage Intensive, that was acquired by Heal Our Land in March), wherein we are working with HOL to bring this life-changing experience to the Northwest, hopefully in the Spring of 2024, so that our local church, marketplace, community & governmental leaders can start the journey of healing their marriages & families by getting real to Reveal what they have “buried alive” from their past, to Rewrite their stories with the power of Forgiveness and to Renew their relationships by understanding how to live in compassion, not fear.
- On Sat, June 3rd, we shared a short 22 minute presentation, “Fatherlessness & the Father’s Love” at Pray Oregon’s PATH (Prayer At The Heart) Conference hosted at Crossroads Church in Portland, in order to demonstrate what we are missing in our lives, families, friends & communities around the world - experiencing the Love of our Father.
- On Wed-Sat, July 12-15, we collaborated with Jenny Donnelly with Her Voice Movement & Lou Engle in launching an Esther and Mordecai movement of prayer, fasting & standing across America, including the mobilization 300,000 prayer hubs & more than a million women (& a million men) on The Mall in Washington, DC, Oct 12, 2024
- On Sat, Sep 2nd, we celebrated 8 years of meeting at Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland to prayerwalk our city & to agree with our Father’s Heart & Vision for Portland by releasing His Forgiveness, wherein every week between 7-9am, it has never rained us out and if you can join us, we will buy you breakfast afterwards!
- On Thur, Sep 21st, we collaborated with, promoted & hosted Michael Thompson (author of The Heart of a Warrior) with about 100 men at The Collective Church in Tigard, in the launch of his new book, “King Me,” which helps men to understand who they are (a beloved son), whose they are (our good, good Father’s) and how men can help other men to become kings, in order to help other men to come kings, etc. We’re now working on their next steps.
- On Tue-Sat, Oct 24-28, we collaborated with Hearts of Fire International Ministries and helped to coordinate volunteers for their 8th annual Northwest Prayer Summit featuring national speakers & local pastors/leaders to pray for our region. We were also able to release our Father’s Love into a young man’s heart, wherein he stated that out of all the ministry that he had received that week, this experience was the most meaning and long-lasting!
- On Mon, Oct 30th, one of our strategic media partners, Worship 24/7 (now streaming in 195 nations in less than 5 years) began broadcasting on 96.3 FM for the greater Portland/Vancouver metro area (I serve on their Founding Board & helped to secure support, as well as prayed for such a global ministry to be birthed for the past 35 years).
- On Thu, Nov 9th, our great friend, mentor and business coach, Patrice Tsague shared again for our 22nd annual Clark County Prayer Breakfast, wherein 3 weeks prior our initial Keynote Speaker was threatened to be fired by his company (JP Morgan), if he spoke on “Giving Back to Our Communities” or even attended our prayer event at the Vancouver Hilton. Last year, Andrey Ivanov with FlashLove shared about the amazing work that they are doing throughout Washington & Oregon and the year before, Patrice Tsague shared about “Our American Story!”
- On Fri, Dec 1st, our contract with Heal Our Land concluded this restful and sabbatical season, wherein we are now exploring how our Father wants to fund our Kingdom Work AND to determine if it is now time to fully launch the radio/podcasts of The Marketplace Catalyst with its corresponding weekly Influence Builder Groups, monthly Business Development Group Forums and annual Marketplace Summits at the Oregon Convention Center.
- Finally on Wed, Dec 6th, Chris Overstreet with Compassion To Action asked us to participate in their monthly Ministry Prayer Zoom in order to share how our Father has been using us to work together in Prayer & Evangelism!
We are currently facing a $8,000 shortfall for this year (wherein I haven’t been paid for the past 4 months, Sept-Dec) and we could really use your help to pay some past due bills & to get my car fixed ($3K)! Will you consider supporting us via a monthly donation to SON or consider your business(es) becoming a Corporate Sponsor (wherein you would write-off your investment as a marketing expense) and we would help grow your organization? You can setup a monthly donation ($1K, $500, $250, $100 or $50) by going to the PayPal button on the front page of our website, or you can make a one-time donation of any amount via this PayPal Link. To help us avoid service charges, you can mail a check to PO Box 90784, Portland, OR 97290 or use Venmo (@servingourneighbors) or CashApp ($servingourneighbors).
Shalom, Merry Christmas & Have a Great New Year!

James Autry Facebook 503-515-5647
Executive Director & Community Collaborator
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