POSTPONED to 2023 - Prayer ConneXion
Inspiring and Catalyzing prayer for the nations - in our cities and abroad.
"Go where your best prayers take you!" ~Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer
Neighbors to Nations is our 7th annual Prayer ConneXion conference, inspiring and catalyzing prayer for the nations: in our cities and abroad. Prayer and Mission were never meant to be separated. Prayer inspires us, empowers us, and releases us into a missional lifestyle. Sometimes that leads us to nations that are not our own. Sometimes that leads us right into our own neighborhoods where the nations dwell. Prayer is also a place where we enter into agreement with God; interceding on behalf of others in order for wrong things to be made right, for those who are in despair to find hope, for those who are sick to be healed, and for all to know of the deep love the Father has for them.
You are invited to a weekend of prayer and connection:
*Connection to others who hold a passion for God’s mission in this world
*Connection to prayer that inspires, sustains, and empowers us as the body of Christ
*Connection to the Holy Spirit as we worship together as One.
Panel Discussions including local & global leaders on the mission field.
Catered lunch with interactive discussion included with registration fee.
Engaging Workshops and intensive Break Out sessions.
Our Keynote Speakers

Victor Alvarizares is currently the Apostle and Senior Pastor of Father’s House International, headquartered in Portland since 1999, the year he moved to the Pacific Northwest from California.
His ministry is one of the most influential multicultural ministries in the Portland metro area. Victor is also the founder of Vision 5000, which is a vision to reach thousands of souls from different cultures and this way fulfill the great commission. He is a preacher, church planter, disciple maker, writer, evangelist at heart, but above all of that, he is a son of God. He was called to serve the Lord at the age of 16 and he has dedicated his life in serving the Lord and reaching the lost and making disciples for more than 3 decades. Together with his wife Nocky, which he married in 1989, they have traveled the world, teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have 2 grown children, who already have children of their own.
Tyler is the Lead Pastor of Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon. He also serves as the National Director for 24-7 Prayer USA, a global movement catalyzing and resourcing prayer, mission, and justice.
Tyler was the co-founder and Lead Pastor of Oaks Church Brooklyn, New York until he moved to Portland in 2021. His passion is a community that is un-explainable apart from the love and power of God.
Michelle Jones is a teaching pastor at Imago Dei Community in Portland, OR, where she also oversees Prayer, Spiritual Formation and Global Outreach.
She is convinced that her background in entertainment—specifically as an award-winning comedy writer—uniquely prepared her for ministry. God is, after all, the original and ultimate storyteller, and mankind’s attempts to play God are, at best, comical.
Join us and tell others! Share our Facebook Event!!
Prayer ConneXion is a ministry of Mission ConneXion and is organized in collaboration with PrayerPDX, 24-7 Prayer Western States Region, the SouthEast Asian Prayer Center, Pray Americas, Kids Town Int'l, and Youth with a Mission PDX, along with several local churches from Portland and the Pacific Northwest.
In Collaboration with . . .
2374 SW Vermont Street
Portland, OR 97219
7:30 - 9:30 pm
A Night of Worship and Prayer for Cities and Nations - with Steve and Jahana McCoy and Victor Alvarizares
Optional Morning/Afternoon Workshops
Learning about Prayer by Doing
9:00 am - Noon
* How to create and run a prayer room
* Using technology to encourage prayer online
1:00-4:00 pm
* The role of the arts in prayer and mission
* Prayerwalking our cities
7:30 - 10:00 pm
MAIN SESSION with Tyler Staton (Prayer and Justice)
9:30-11:30 am
MAIN SESSION with Michelle Jones (Prayer and Mission)
11:45-1:45 pm
Interactive Catered Lunch (included with cost of registration)
2:00 - 3:00 PM
3:15-4:15 pm
4:30-5:30 pm
FINAL SESSION with a panel of leaders from the local and global mission field
Registration is $53.55 per person ($37.39 before _____ ), $27.28 for students. And, Saturday's Lunch is included in your registration.
All Sales Final. No Refunds.