NW Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community Center - Connect Meeting
Are you looking to connect with like minded Christian entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders in the Northwest? Are you looking for quality biblically integrated business education, coaching, and community for business growth and impact?

Join Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community co-founder and Chief Servant Officer, Patrice Tsague along with Jennifer Mears as they discuss: Creating a Transformational Mission Statement.

Patrice is the co-founder and Chief Servant Officer of several companies, including the Nehemiah Project International Ministries, PG & Associates LLC, and Kingdom Business Coaching, which he founded with his wife and best friend, Gina Tsague.
Patrice has trained and coached over 15,000 individuals around the world on how to start or expand their businesses using business training and coaching principles found in the Bible. Through his training and coaching system, his clients have raised millions of dollars in funding capital, generated a combined income of over $100 million dollars, and created thousands of jobs.
Patrice is the author of several books and training curriculums including Biblical Entrepreneurship, which has an adult and youth version, Nothing but a Jar of Oil, The Buck Stops with You, and many more. He also publishes a weekly e-devotional and podcast for entrepreneurs and business executives that is distributed to over 10,000 individuals globally. He also serves on the board of several organizations including the Timothy Plan, Andco, Common Good Capital, and Cornerstones Christian Academy for Learning and Leadership. He and Gina have two beautiful daughters, Gabrielle and Danielle Tsague. Their family resides in Vancouver, Washington.
JENNIFER MEARS is a Christian life coach who helps people connect with God to live life fully. She is also the president and CEO of The Holland, Inc. and the fourth generation of this family-owned business that is currently a property holding company and most widely known for its former restaurant chain, Burgerville. She has led training courses alongside her father, Tom Mears, sharing his book, “Serve with Love” with a variety of audiences. The focus of this training is on how to be a mission-led organization or individual.
She has degrees in history and organization development. She has served as a ruling elder in her church for over 20 years and taught bible study, spiritual gifts, and Alpha courses, as well as has been a part of pastor search teams. She currently serves on the Nehemiah Project International’s 100K Jobs Advisory Board.
Her global worldview began in her childhood. In high school, Jennifer’s family hosted an exchange student from France, and then she herself left that next summer for an exchange in Switzerland. The families from all three nations remain close and have reunited several times over the years. Likewise, Jennifer has been a long-time supporter of World Vision and currently is a sponsor to 12 children around the globe. She traveled to Rwanda on a Vision Trip in 2012 and participates in the local Women of Vision chapter.
Jennifer enjoys birdwatching, spending time on the Washington coast, and making jewelry, not to mention providing encouragement and staying connected with new friends made through Nehemiah.

715 NW Onsdorff Blvd
Battle Ground, Vancouver, WA 98604
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