Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community - Connect Meeting & Seminar
Are you looking to connect with like minded Christian entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders in the Northwest? Are you looking for quality biblically integrated business education, coaching and community for business growth and impact?

Our focus is "Using AI to Grow your Business &/or Ministry with Kingdom Impact" with Patrice Tsague
Should Kingdom businesses embrace AI?
How can we avoid the dangers of AI?
How can Kingdom businesses use AI to increase their productivity and impact?
A Kingdom business is a transformational enterprise that measures its success beyond the conventional triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit to include an eternal perspective. For Kingdom companies to truly be transformational, their leaders must embrace innovative technologies. Artificial Intelligence, or AI as it is commonly referred to, represents one such cutting-edge technology that Biblical Entrepreneurs should adopt to stay competitive.
AI, as defined by IBM, enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. This technology originated from the desire to understand brain functions and has evolved to use technology that can mimic these functions and also learn and adapt without following explicit human input or instructions (known as “machine learning”).
It reflects humanity’s divine mandate to create, as we are made in the image of God, endowed with the ability to subdue the earth and to exercise dominion. AI represents one of the closest approximations to human capabilities within our technological creations, raising both significant opportunities and also valid ethical concerns.
Join us if you want to accelerate your growth and impact with efficiency using AI!

Patrice Tsague is our Presenter and the grandson of King Johny Baleng I of Baleng Dschang, Cameroon. He is a preacher, business trainer, entrepreneur, international speaker, author, and kingdom business coach. Patrice specializes in helping families incorporate their faith into their business practice, ensuring that their business is able to exist beyond the third generation.
Patrice is the co-founder and Chief Servant Officer of several companies, including the Nehemiah Project International Ministries, PG & Associates LLC, and Kingdom Business Coaching, which he founded with his wife and best friend, Gina.
Patrice has trained and coached over 15,000 individuals around the world on how to start or expand their businesses using business training and coaching principles found in the Bible. Through his training and coaching system, his clients have raised millions of dollars in funding capital, generated a combined income of over $100 million dollars, and created thousands of jobs.
Patrice is the author of several books and training curriculums including Biblical Entrepreneurship, which has an adult and youth version, Nothing but a Jar of Oil, The Buck Stops with You, and many more. He also publishes a weekly e-devotional and podcast for entrepreneurs and business executives that is distributed to over 10,000 individuals globally. He also serves on the board of several organizations including the Timothy Plan, Andco, Common Good Capital, and Cornerstones Christian Academy for Learning and Leadership. He and Gina have two beautiful daughters, Gabrielle and Danielle Tsague. Their family resides in Vancouver, Washington.
In Collaboration with . . .

Technology Innovation Center
948 Lloyd Center
Portland, OR 97232
Directions to Smart Oregon Solutions – Technology Innovation Center:
- Park in the northeast garage, located next to the Barnes & Noble Bookstore at the corner of NE 9th Ave & Halsey.
- Enter the Lloyd Center Mall through the main doors.
- After 9:45 AM, head to your left and walk down the hall overlooking the ice skating rink.
- Turn left again to take the escalator down to the Lower Level.
- Our front door will be at the bottom of the escalator, next to the Kids Play Area & Restrooms.
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